Local Attractions
From Restaurants to Scenic Attractions, Amish Tours, and Railroads, there's always something to catch your eye during your stay. There's never a dull moment around Apple Bin Inn!

Museums & History
Landis Valley Museum
Ephrata Cloister
Hans Herr House & Museum
Hershey Story Museum
National Watch & Clock Museum
Wheatland (Home of President James Buchanan) <
Rock Ford Plantation (General Edward Hand’s House)
Hands-On House Children’s Museum
National Christmas Center & Museum
Indian Steps Museum
Lancaster Museum of Art
Susquehanna National Heritage Area
Gettysburg National Military Park
Valley Forge National Historical Park

Horseback Riding Adventures
Zipline Canopy Tours
Hot Air Balloon Rides
Cherry Crest Adventure Farm
PA Renaissance Faire
Hershey’s Chocolate World
Clipper Magazine Stadium – Barnstormers
Dutch Wonderland
Red Rose Walking Food Tour
Hershey Park
Turkey Hill Experience
Lancaster Science Factory
Ghosts of Lancaster
Village Greens
SkyZone Trampoline Park
Laser Dome
Strasburg Scooter Tours